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This girl is so much a part of our family I cannot remember her not being here. ... but would keep the glass door locked until I could find out what this guy wanted. ... which was find a pay phone, then enter a code that was about 18 digits long. .... May 16, 2014 — The kids were given a scavenger hunt booklet to fill out. ... They had fossil plates for the kids to create rubbings. ... Students (7-18) - $5.00. 0001.jpg 2012-06-11 18:28 161K [IMG] 001-2.jpg ... 017_14A_rec2.jpg 2012-05-02 18:32 25K [IMG] 018.jpg ... DSC08289-2.jpg 2015-03-15 08:45 5.9M [IMG] ... 88ba313fa9